In an effort to make more Christmas decorations the plan was to make some sophisticated pillow covers for my living room. The pillows were already acquired so I only needed to design a cover and make it out of fabric I own. I had thoughts of snowflakes, stars, and Christmas trees but when my mom suggested my kids paint wreaths with their hands and toes I couldn't resist. I wish I had made Avery's hand wreath a little smaller but I did hers first. With Elliot we used hs fingers instead of toes for the red berries.

With the help of my sister, Julie, Elliot and Avery made these simple felt tree ornaments. They can't wait to put them on the tree when we get one.

It's these simple projects that make our holidays and homes more festive. In a year when I bring out the pillow covers I can just hear Elliot and Avery say "I remember when I made that! My hands are much bigger now."