Monday, February 6, 2023

Mesa Half Marathon

 Well, I did it again.  This is my fourth official half marathon, and third at this event.  I also ran the full with this event years ago.  The race finished moved east a little from Mesa Riverview shopping center to the other side of the lake and it worked out great.  The EXPO the day before where you pick up your packet, race bib, and shirt was at the Cubs stadium where this photo is taken.  It was a really cool set up.

Almost as soon as I arrived Nurse Clare came up to say hi.  I haven't seen her since we were in the PICU with Bea almost 6 months ago.  I have so much gratitude for her and the other nurses during that time.

Chris ran the half again this year for his second time and beat last year's time. Always a good feeling.

I ran most of it was Sara again like last year.  This was her second half marathon just like Chris.  We both ran faster than last year as well, with Sara a few minutes ahead both times.  She's so fast at the end when I struggle the most.

Andrew and Beatrix showed up to cheer me at the finish.  They were the best cheerleaders!

As per tradition, the #1 photo. :)

Natalie Hill, a good friend and Andrew's boss's daughter, finished a few minutes ahead of me so I saw her soon after finishing.  It was her PR. 

This was my third fastest half marathon.  I was 1 minutes slower than my second fastest.  My first fastest was the first one I ran with my cousin, Elizabeth Curtis all those years ago at 2:03, and I still hope to beat that time.  Just not this year. :)

Mesa Marathon did a great job with this race.  So professional and fun, plus it's nostalgic running in my home town.  It's definitely not my last.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Beatrix interview


On August 7, 2022 around 4pm or so Beatrix was hit by a car in the cross walk going from the Mesa Temple Visitor's Center to the parking lot on the north side on Main street.  It was a life changing and traumatic experience.

There really is so much to say about it but I'll summarize with a link to one of the interviews Chris, my brother, did in our behalf after the accident.  He did a good job.

It'll be 6 months since the accident on Tuesday and last week I was brave and felt prompted to do a followup interview with ABC 15 news.  They did a good job.

I shared more on my Instagram account throughout the experience and came away with a stronger testimony, more compassion for others who go through similar or other traumatic experiences, and ultimately just feel so grateful Beatrix is ok now and we are so blessed.  God is good.

It's an experience you never think will happen to you but it happened to Bea and our family.  We had so many friends, family and strangers reach out in service, love, and prayers.  What a humbling experience.