Monday, March 29, 2021

lucky yard sale finds

Sara called me last Friday to tell me about a yard sale she went to.  There were clarinets for sale and she wondered if we were interested for Elliot.  Yes!  Andrew and I were just talking about this last week.  We have been renting a clarinet from Milanos the last 5 years or so and the rent has added up to over $1000.  More than enough to buy.

Dad came to the yard sale with me and there were many band instruments for sale since the lady selling is a retired band teacher and has her own in-home repair shop.  In the end I ended up buying a clarinet for Elliot for $300 which will last him through high school and had new pads and was polished.  I also got a great brand flute for Zara, who wants to start band this summer, for $175.  Both instruments will hold their value in years to come as long as they're taken care of and are better instruments than ones we would rent and makes more financial sense in the long run so we're really happy about this!

Avery started flute about a month ago until the end of the school year and is using a school flute so she's been showing Zara how to put a flute together and how to make a sound (always hard on a flute in the beginning).  Rupert is feeling a little left out and wants his own instrument too, so I'm glad he's looking forward to when he's old enough to join school band or orchestra.

 Music is very important to me and I love seeing my kids choose their own instruments and learn to read music too.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Zara turned 9!


Still playing catch up from the last month or so.  On February 24 Zara turned 9!  It's crazy to think it's been a whole year since her baptism.

My parents helped watch kids so I could take Zara on a date.  Joe's Real BBQ is one of our favorite places to visit on our birthdays since you get a meal for free.  I was amazed by how much Zara could eat for a cute little girl.  The root beer floats are amazing with their homemade root beer.  

We doubled up on cookies.  One from Joe's and a pazookie from Oreganos.  It was a bit much but so good.

Downtown Gilbert is full of life with so many good restaurants.  These murals were part of a series and new to us.  Zara's imitation on the flamingo on one leg is my favorite.

Zara has the most thoughtful primary teachers who dropped off a treat and these cute balloons.

She asked for a skateboard as well as this white cake with strawberry frosting and real strawberries on top.  Every year she wants some variation on strawberry cake.  I've learned Zara isn't really into chocolate cake.

As per tradition, Andrew took Zara to pick out her first pocket knife.  We follow scouting guidelines and wait until each kid turns 9 and passes their totin chip which is basic knife safety.  

Zara had a great birthday and we really love her so much.  She's so loyal and helpful, has the biggest heart and is just so fun to be around,

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Andrew surgery


Yesterday marked 6 weeks since Andrew's hernia surgery recovery on February 10.  Six weeks is that time for a full recovery and he's come a long way since day one.  I'm already starting to forget how those early days were.  I remember Andrew being drugged after, but still in a lot of pain, and say something like "Beatrix can only see me through a screen for a while".  I thought it was funny, the way he said it didn't sound like normal Andrew, but his concern was genuine since Beatrix has a habit of climbing all over daddy and wanting to be held.  The first few weeks Andrew wasn't meant to hold anything heavier than 10 lbs. so that wouldn't work out for Bea.

The top left photo was on the way home.  No the most flattering ;) but funny how serious Andrew can look.  The top right was day one at home, post surgery nap.  He napped everyday for a week.  His body knew it needed a lot of rest to recover the trauma of hernia surgery.  Thankfully Andrew was able to take a few sick days and then work from home for another week or so.

Getting Andrew out of the car and in bed post surgery was a 10 minute process.  It was the first time I thought Andrew looked his age.  He's so youthful and happy that he comes across younger but not in that moment.

From day two Andrew needed to have a 10 minute walk twice a day.  Bea liked to be a part of this.

This is not Andrew's first hernia surgery. 12 years ago Andrew was biking a lot to his work in Tempe, at that time.  He's record distance was 35 miles and soon after that his hernia was discovered.  The surgery was right about the time I was 38 weeks along with Avery when we bought our house and were fixing it up to move in.  Not the most convenient time.  That surgery was laparoscopic, so two smaller incisions outside the hernia area.

Remember when Andrew biked 40 miles on his 40th birthday?  Well, later that week Andrew felt a bump on his other side which turned out to be another hernia!  Because of covid it took a couple months to get a surgery appointment since it's outpatient and not an emergency.  The last week or two before surgery were very painful and uncomfortable for him so we were glad to finally have it taken care of.

This time instead of a laparoscopic surgery his doctors recommended open repair, which is a larger incision at the sight of the hernia.  This is a better option because its less likely to have complications or recurrence but healing is more painful and longer, similar to a c section.

Notice the pillow buffer on the picture below. ;)

Now that 6 weeks are up Andrew is pretty much back to normal!  He started working out again on Monday, which will be slow going, and hopefully we'll hop on a bike again.  Thankfully the Tour de Tucson 100 mile bike race was postponed from Andrew to September of this year so he'll have plenty of time to work up those miles again.

So proud of Andrew and am grateful for our amazing bodies that heal and recover.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Saint Patrick’s day

Happy St. Patrick’s day! We actually completely forgot this morning so we added all the green later in the day.

Zara has some cute green bows. 

For dinner I made Dublin Coddle and salad for some Irish inspired dinner and some green. The recipe is from Fed and Fit’s website. Andrew has been working towards an anti inflammatory diet and this fit the bill.  

Green selfie! I’ve had this trusty old shirt several years and bring it out for this day every year.

Hope you had fun today.  

Life has felt extra lately so I haven’t been hear as much as I wanted to. From Andrew’s hernia to Spring Break and friends and family stuff I’m looking forward to a break. ;). The last few days my phone has been turning off and restarting every couple minutes whenever I’m using it, so I’m really looking forward to the replacement phone in the mail. Nothing like your phone to stop working to make you appreciate things that are working even more!