Friday, February 3, 2012

photo challenge: week 1

A week ago Andrew got me a new camera. He must love me a lot. I love the new camera but there's a big difference between a Fujifilm S2800 and a Canon Rebel T2i. Pretty much I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm excited to learn. This will be an ongoing process. To motivate me to figure out my camera Andrew has given me a photography challenge each day this week. I might make this a regular thing.

This is what he had me do this week:

Monday: flowers
Tuesday: candid shots of the kids
Wednesday: the sky
Thursday: something with different shades of red
Friday: movement
He intentionally kept the challenges open so there was room for interpretation. It's been a lot of fun. Right now I'm mostly using auto and manual mode until I feel more comfortable with the camera. It came with another lens that I haven't even touched yet, but all in time! What photo do you like best?


  1. I like the books best :) Aperture priority mode is my best friend :)

  2. My favorites are the ones with your kids. Probably because they are my kids too :)
