It was so nice of my brother to watch our kids Saturday night so we could have a Valentine date. Our dates are few and far between.
After Andrew finished his school work I changed out of my scrubs to a more date-material-outfit and even wiggled into my goal jeans. You know - the ones you keep in case you loose 5 lbs. They were a squeeze but I think it was worth it ;)
We thought we'd eat somewhere different - some where we've never been, so we went to a Tai restaurant. I can't remember the name of the restaurant but it's on the south side of Main st., west of the MAC.

Our food was so yummy!
Andrew got fried rice with pineapples, raisins, and cashews.

I got a garlic chicken dish with rice on the side.

As much as I loved the flavor of my dish it was a little too spicy so we ended up switching.

For dessert we headed down the street to good old DQ and shared a cone.
♥ chocolate chocolate dipped ♥

♥ Mmmm . . .

If you have never had a choc. choc. dipped cone from DQ don't wait another day.
This is what I always crave when I go off sugar for a month.

After DQ Andrew had a really fun idea. We went to Goodwill and had $5 to spend on each other. We could get an unlimited number of items but we couldn't show each other what we got until we got in the car. There was a 20 min. time limit. So the whole not showing what we got each other thing didn't work too well since we kept bumping into each other in the store. Plus I didn't have my wallet so we had to pay together, but we had fun anyway.
Since we had our Valentine date on Saturday today (the actual Valentine's Day) is low-key but I did have a Valentine Party for my kids and all their friends this morning. It was a blast. More pictures later.