Monday, January 9, 2023

Annual New Year's hike


Most years we try to hike "A" Mountain in Tempe on or around New Year's Day.  Usually my dad joins so I missed him this year since he and mom are on their mission in Pennsylvania.  

Since New Year's Day was on a Sunday this year Monday was a bank holiday.  It was a little strange this year because Andrew didn't have work, and Mesa Public Schools didn't have school including Franklin East where Zara and Rupert go to school.  However Heritage went back to school on Monday so Elliot and Avery weren't home.

Andrew stayed home with Beatrix for this hike since Beatrix is a little young (it's rocky and steep at the top) and Andrew's ankle is healing from an injury.

We invited Elmina and Allen to join so it was a little more fun for Rupert and Zara.  It was the little Opie's first time doing this hike.

I love how this time of the year you can see the wisemen, star of Bethlehem, and a menorah to celebrate the season. I was reading in Matthew 2 about the wisemen and was amazed to be reminded how King Herod questioned the wisemen about when the the star appeared and told them to report back to him where Christ was so he could also worship him.  We know King Herod was wicked and the wisemen had an angel tell them no to return but to go home after seeing Christ.

I also love their example of leaving the comforts of their home to bring precious gifts to he Savior.  It makes me ask what gifts am I giving the Savior and what sacrifices am I making to seek Him and have Him at the center of my life.

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