Sunday, May 2, 2021

Beatrix turned three!


So crazy that my baby is now three!  She's been looking forward to her birthday for a long time.  On Avery's birthday Beatrix kept saying Avery was opening Baa's presents.  That's when we taught Bea that her birthday is April 30th.  She's been telling everyone "my birthday is April firtief".  Just the cutest.

For her birthday she got the striped dress and the princess dress she wore all day.  Avery got clothes for her birthday so Bea asked for clothes too.  They're both my fashionistas.  She also got bath letters, chalk and twin snake gummies.

Even before school they were out there using the chalk.

We had to go to our favorite breakfast place at Joe's Farmgrill.  So good!

Like last month, I waited until last minute to do my monthly hike so we went to a favorite place, Spook Hill.  It's in Mesa and under a mile but pretty steep so a good burn.  I carried Beatrix half the time and got twice the burn. :)

Elliot was great about keeping her safe and being a helpful big brother.

More chalk.  :)  I need to plant those azeleas (flowers in the back), just need to weed first.

Whipped together a cake box cake and everyone was happy with it.  Went with yellow cake, chocolate frosting.  Beatrix snuck these sprinkles in the shopping cart a couple weeks ago and I ended up buying them anyway.  Perfect for her birthday cake! ;)

In church today Bea was using her normal *loud* voice saying things like "HI DADDY" while Andrew was on the stand, or "MOMMY, YOU DIDN'T SAY AMEN" right after sacrament prayer.  She cracks us up!

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