Friday, December 6, 2019

Oh Christmas Tree

 Ever since we moved into a house of our own we have been buying real trees.  It's what my family did growing up and it's been fun having it as a tradition for our kids.  Last weekend Andrew put up the outdoor lights on the house.  Since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday we wait until after Thanksgiving to put up Christmas.  On Wednesday the kids helped put up our indoor decorations and Rupert couldn't wait to get a tree! 

We always get out trees at Home Depot.  Last year we got a Noble Fir because I love the look, but this year we went back to Douglass Fir because you can't beat the amazing pine smell they bring!  We even grabbed some free spare branches to make garlands out of.  Last night I made my first two garlands and put them on my kitchen windows and they bring so much Christmas spirit in the kitchen.  I haven't taken a picture yet because I want to dress them up a bit.

The kids each put up their own ornaments, ones they've made or given to them.  We had our first glass bauble casualty last night when Rupert accidentally dropped it.  I didn't know we even had glass ornaments anymore!  

We love decorating the tree with the rainbow lights because they're so playful and fun.  This year we added the white lights that are round and add more light.  My Target only had one so I want to grab another box at another store.  Our tree topper was thrifted years ago and reminds me of the yellow fabric star my dad always put on our tree growing up.

Since Beatrix is 19 months and at the perfect age to be interested in all the decorations we kept the bottom of the tree pretty bare.  It looks a little silly but brings me a smile knowing that she is our last and this phase will be gone soon.  We also don't put presents under the tree until Christmas so the kids won't pick at them and Bea won't open them. :)

^ ^ A little boomerang from decorating the tree. ^ ^

We have the beautiful shelves in the kitchen I get to decorate too!  We moved into this house a year ago this week so decorating was super minimal.  This year I'm having fun figuring out what to do with our decorations.  So far I only have the bottom shelves decorated.  I got 4 of these pre-lit houses from Target for $5 each.  The other three are on the long shelf by the sink.  

We also had these glittery bottle brush trees from Target last year.  A few are on these shelves in the kitchen and the rest are on the piano.  Speaking of piano, our piano is green and fits right in this time of year.  I didn't take a picture of the piano yet so maybe this list will need a part two with more home photos.

 The kids really wanted some Christmas magic in their rooms which can easily happen with a little twinkle lights.  This is the boy's room where we dropped twinkle lights around their bunkbed and added the Christmas tree.  Elliot's bongo drum came out of the closet as a perfect nod to The Drummer Boy and a Christmas print was placed over the frame.

The girls also got twinkle lights in their room as well as a couple trees and a reindeer.

So excited for Christmas in just a couple weeks!  Of course there has been a lot of Christmas shopping going on but to help keep our focus on Christ, giving and service we have tried to participate in the Light the World initiative.  We started off watching this new nativity video from the Church of Jesus Christ and it is unlike any other nativity video I've seen.  Very reverent and powerful.    Happy holidays!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Mexico and Mother's Day

It was hard to narrow down these photos to share, especially because I just edited and uploaded 60 for a photo book so here are a lot of favorites!

My sister Ruth's in-laws part own a beach house in Mexico near Rocky Point and this was our second time to be invited!  Last time Rupert was the baby Memorial Day weekend four years ago.  We almost didn't come because it's Mother's Day weekend and I don't like traveling on Sunday but the kids were super excited to go and play with cousins and we don't regret it.

Honestly we couldn't have asked for more perfect weather!  The temperature was slightly chilly first thing in the morning and a little warm in the afternoon.  The water and sand were perfect and I didn't see a single crab or jelly fish this time.  We did see a beached seal. :/

All of the kids had cousins to play with!  Rupert, Allen, and Teddy spent a lot of time together.

I asked the kids to not take any shells home this kind.  They were sneaky and gave me some for Mother's Day.  They also snuck some into the back of the car, their pockets and backpacks.  The seashells really are so pretty and there so many of them, unlike CA beaches we've been to.  Also, the sand bar has a very gradual slope so the low tide goes very far and makes tidal pools.

Endless entertainment!

  Zara's tooth was hanging by a thread all week.  On Saturday it finally popped out!  The tooth fairy even knew to make a visit in Mexico instead of our home in Mesa. ;)

This was Chris and Kristy's first time in Mexico.  They went into town with Ammon and Ruth Saturday night while we watched the kids and they were able to try some local food.  

These three girls were tight the whole time.  I braided all their hair Saturday morning and Lizzy and Avery took their braids out Sunday morning.  Braids in Mexico at the beach are what you do!

Beatrix spent a lot of time with Aunt Kristy.  She actually prefers Kristy to her dad, and shockingly sometimes her mom!

Elliot was really thoughtful and offered to make me breakfast in bed.  Love that boy!  I only wanted gluten free sugar free granola with milk and he made it!  Andrew also made a Mother's Day video the day before asking the kids questions about me.  It was so thoughtful and sweet.  I also asked for flowers (I'm still waiting for) and a date to Hale Theater because I have never been. Still waiting for that too, but Newsies is out so I hope we can make it soon!

^ ^ so handsome ^ ^                                             ^ ^ so sweet ^ ^

Elliot's favorite part of the trip was "the beach and digging our big hole."
Avery's favorite part was "collecting shells.  I also liked the low tide".
Zara's favorite part was "the pool that Elliot digged. Oh yah and collecting shells".
Rupert's favorite part was "playing in the water and splashing".

So this picture on the left is little Zara four years ago and on the right is this year.  Same view, but the plot in front was sold and a new beach house was built in front.  I prefer it without the little house but the place we stayed is two stories with a top deck view, so there's still a great view to see.

On our way home we stopped by this really cool gas station in southern Arizona with a bunch of cool murals and an old car water fountain.  It was like it was happy to welcome us back in AZ and the USA.  We had a wonderful trip but were also happy to be back.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Beatrix turned ONE!

Can you believe it?!  Beatrix turned one a few weeks ago on April 30th.  It actually has felt like 12 months but it's still a little sad.  I love my little baby and she's growing sooo fast.

She sucks those two middle fingers on her left hand, just like Avery did. :)


Zara is probably my number one mini mama with Avery right behind.  They're so good with her!


We've transitioned to nursing only once a day, first thing in the morning around 5:30am.  I'll really miss it when we're done because it brings me close to my babies and allows me to slow down.


We got a Unicorn smash cupcake from Sweet Tooth Fairy for her and a simple box cake for the rest of the family.  She seriously went to town and was just what we hoped it would be!  Cupcake all over her, the table, and the floor.  Oh, and some did make it in her mouth. ;)


With Rupert I started a monthly photo for his first year on Instagram so it was fun doing the same for Beatrix too.  A quick way to share some milestones and see how much she's grown.

I had the best time putting together this video of Beatrix on her birthday.  So much giggling from the girls!  I hope she also looks back on this and laughs some day.