Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

 We love Memorial Day around here.  Andrew got the day off work (yay!) so we got a lot of house things crossed off the to do list.  Mostly cleaning out the garage.  Feels so good to have that done!  For dinner we did the traditional family bbq at my parent's.
My kids eat terrible at these things, not that I didn't try!  Elliot contented himself with plain hot dogs and burger patties, Avery it was chips and cheetos, and Zara wouldn't take food from me but ate off just about every other person's plate.  Well, at least they didn't go to bed hungry!

I made the most delicious salad with all the best ingredients.  You have to try it some time!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A pioneer

 A few weeks ago my beloved Grandma ( Lita) passed away.  Like many similar funerals we feel at peace knowing she is no longer in pain and is in a better place with my grandpa and other family and friends now.  She lived a long (92 years!) and full life and we are grateful to have had her this long.
 One of the good things about funerals are all the impromptu out of town family visits and family pictures.  We got to spend time with my uncle and aunt, and cousin and his wife from NY for the first time in 12 or more years.  Such wonderful people!
 ^ ^ Sibling photo! ^ ^
^ ^ Lita's favorite flowers are red carnations. ^ ^
At the funeral service I learned some new things about my grandma that was interesting.  She was the first member to be baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in her city, Guatemala City, and the first to leave on a mission from there.  She immigrated to the U.S. to marry my grandpa and made many decisions in life that affect who I am today.  I will always be grateful to her.  Lita makes me want to be a better person, to make her proud.  She is one of my heroes and I love her so much!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

chocolate cake for a special lady

 Avery turned 4 a month ago today.  She wanted a chocolate mint cake but settled for chocolate with lots of sprinkles.  I completely forgot to buy mint extract at the store, but Avery wasn't too disappointed   I love that about her.  She just goes with the flow most of the time, full of mirth and beauty.  Very free-spirited.
I had a mommy moment preparing her cake by putting only three candles on it.  Elliot had to correct my mistake. !!  I love this girl so much and have a lot to learn from her.  Something special about Avery is that she is the oldest granddaughter on both sides, so she'll always have someone looking up to her.  She's competent, I am sure.  She also shares her birthday with our anniversary, ^ ^ hence the flowers ^ ^.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

April snapshots

Life has been one thing after another lately.  Mostly good things!  In April Avery Andrew's family were still visiting, Avery turned 4, my grandma passed away but because of it some family visited form NY that we haven't seen in years, and we even squeezed in a work/play trip to California.  What a month!  I hope to share some more details soon.