Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Rupert got baptized this year


It's been a good several months since posting anything here.  Honesty this year was packed and just flew by.  So many high highs, and low lows too.  I wanted to return with a highlight - Rupert's baptism! 

It was just him getting baptized from the stake at that time so we had the whole program to ourselves.  We had Rupert make a lot of the decisions, like who would give talks and who would be the witnesses.

Honesty I don't remember all that but I do know Rupert asked me to give the talk on baptism.  I literally wrote it that morning so it was rather thrown together but I thought it was sweet he wanted his mama to talk.

Rupert is such a happy boy.  He has such a light and a lot of energy.  He's easy to love.

Everyone is growing so fast.  Elliot is taller than Andrew now, Avery is looking more and more like the teenager she is, Zara has a big heart and is a big helper, and Beatrix is one of a kind and so smart.

So grateful to Andrew for baptizing our kids.  Only one more of our kids to go!