With it being Martin Luther King Day the kids didn’t have school. Love a good long weekend. Andrew still had work and I knew I wanted to get a hike in but had to keep it simple.
Spook Hill is as simple and easy as it comes when hiking with kids. There were a lot of kids on the hill today, not including the ones with me.
On the way Elliot invited Pete’s boys and we ended up picking up Dean and Robinson. Having them made it so much more fun! The kids really liked grabbing donuts at a favorite place of Pete’s afterwards.
Bea is such a good hiker! She had a good attitude and really believes in herself. Hiking with her is slower but she just doesn’t give up even when she falls. Such a cute hiker. All the kids did great though.She got really attached to that big rock that Zara found and carried it most of the way home. The older kids liked counting the pools in backyards at the top and pointing out downtown Scottsdale and phoenix in the distance. Couldn’t have asked for better weather either. Really looking forward to hiking again soon while the weather is nice.