I didn't want another month to go by without posting something sharing something here. This is how we spent the first day of the year! In snow!! Normally we go on a hike but this opportunity was too good to pass. The snow in the desert on the way to Pine was just stunning! Look at those snowy saguaros. Just beautiful.
^ ^ Just after making snow angels. ^ ^
^ ^ Even Rupert enjoyed the snow. Zara stayed in the car most of the time. ^ ^
^ ^ Yep. First sled ride. It only lasted about five seconds but that was enough for my heart. ^ ^
One of my goals for 2015 is self mastery. It's an ongoing thing but one specific goal I had for the month of January was to complete the whole30 challenge. You can learn more about it here. After all the junk I ate over the holidays this was a natural choice to help me eat more healthy. Yesterday was my last day and it was great! I found some new recipes, learned how much I love almond butter, ate lots of veggies and lost a few pounds. For February I want to focus on going to bed earlier and waking up earlier and working out more.