Most years I like to start a hike usually "A" Mountain in Tempe. We still might do that hike soon but it worked out that the week between Christmas and New Years the Johnson's had been staying at my parents and Dad thought a hike is a good idea. I agree. Arizona winters are perfect hiking weather and it was a lovely morning. (Top photo taken by Beatrix. You can see her shadow at the bottom and she did a great job!)
This time we hiked our favorite, Spook Hill over past Red Mountain Park on Brown road. This a well loved hike, only about a mile, and in the city so close by. I've lost track of how many times I've hiked it but it's in regular rotation usually a few times a year for me.
Andrew had work as well as Ammon so I picked up Elmina and Allen, DJ brought some of his kids, Louise brought her kids, and Dad drove separately. Hiking is always more fun with a group of friends or family. Well, at least for me because I'm a special runner/hiker.
Take a look at that sky! Just beautiful.