Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Halloween 2020

Halloween looked a little different this year but we were fortunate that it wasn't too different.  We had a fantastic day and I kind of wish Halloween was on a Saturday every year.  I still took the kids trick or treating, and Elliot and Andrew stayed home to give out candy.

In the end Andrew set up this table outside and made sure there was always candy there while he and Elliot watched Harry Potter 4 for Elliot's first time.  Elliot read all the books this summer (we finally let him) so he's been looking forward to seeing this movie since he turned 13.

Classic front porch photo.  It's tradition!  It's also the only group photo we can see Elliot's face.  The kids trick or treated around our neighborhood by evergreen and back by the stake center.   A lot less trick or treaters this year, and fewer houses handing out candy but still a lot of fun.  Then we went trick or treating in the north part of our stake by uncle Ammon Opie's parents.  we've gone there for years now.  Such a great neighborhood!

Elliot was an army soldier.  I took the girls to thrift costumes at Goodwill with Kristy and Lizzy and scored this green jumper for Elliot, hoping it would fit.  We got lucky!  He's so hard to find clothing that fits or he likes. ;)  We ordered the hat on Amazon and the neck scarf/mask Andrew already had.

For Avery we were so excited to find this pretty white dress for $10!  We found some scrap fabric for the veil, and dug up the flower headband in my stuff.  For the makeup I also used what I already had and looked at inspiration photos on pinterest.  We were impressed with how well it turned out!  Such a transformation!  She felt really special and we all kept looking at Avery thinking how she doesn't even look like herself with this makeup.  She was a really good Emily for The Corpse Bride.

Zara wanted to be a Roman.  We lightly turned her hair and then dug up this headband in my things that I had forgotten about.  Another thrifted dress from that day.  Zara just wanted mascara and lipstick.  It's hard to tell but Zara has the prettiest long, curly eyelashes that the mascara just magnified.

Rupert's, Zara's and Baa's costumes were also from Goodwill.  We really lucked out!  But shopping mid September really helped.  Rupert's night in shining armor costume also came with a cape that he didn't want to wear this time. ;)  Because he got the costume for his birthday he asked for and received a shield, helmet, and sword as presents that he's played with a ton, just not on Halloween.

Be a actually has several costumes we thrifted including an Anna dress from Frozen, and old witch costume, and a yellow sparkly dance dress, but this is the one that was clean Halloween night.  All the dresses are in constant rotation.  She likes feeling pretty.  I went a little extra with the makeup with a burnt orange eye shadow all around her eyes.  I though it was very Halloween like, and bright orange lips.  We took her in the wagon this year so she could eat to her hearts content between houses.  The girls even grabbed the candy for her sometimes to go faster.  She was in heaven.

Beatrix stayed home for the second part of trick or treating.  After a few houses Rupert and Zara stayed at Ma & Pa Opie's house since Ruth and Ammon's kids were there watching a movie and their legs were tired.  I took Avery the last stretch.  This is her last year trick or treating because she'll be 12 next year.

Andrew and I didn't dress up this year, maybe next?  It was a great day, even with Covid precautions.


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