Friday, November 6, 2020

Bonfire Night 2020

Yesterday was Guy Fawkes Day!  A funny English holiday we celebrate and adapted for our family.  This is Elliot's fake cheese smile.  I told him to smile normal and he said this was. ;)  Andrew was sick this year (likely strep) and sadly had to miss the celebrations.  We really missed him - everything more fun with Andrew - but he did contribute our brown paper bag effigy.

We had the best soup potluck with salads, rolls, a veggie platter, and treats.  My family does the yummiest potlucks.  I made two chilis, creamy chicken noodle soup, and rolls.

 Valerie, Doug, and Alyssa Opie came this year!  It was good to have them.  They brought a yummy pumpkin pie, my favorite! Doug especially wanted to come and let Andrew know that so glad he made it.

These boys were so funny to watch.  Jason is in the yellow, then Sterling in the red, and Rupert in the right.  It's so nice having the Manning's in town to join us.

Rupert thought it was funny to wear three masks and try to confuse us as to which one is his really face.

Of course we had to bring out the sparklers after burning the effigies.  They seem to last 2 seconds so it's hard to get a photo of them.

Be a kept saying "I want one!"  She ended up with probably three total.  I was impressed with how brave she was with her sparklers.  There were older kids that were more apprehensive.

These three girls said the poem.  Zara started and Josie and Avery did the rest.  They snuck these hat's from the office.  They're grandma's and they felt so cool and pretty matching in them.

Elliot cracked me up wearing the mask with his glasses on top.  He just started wearing his glasses more.  Glad they're getting more use.  Also, these cool asks are from Nora!  She sent them to use from Germany where she got them at a German dollar store.  That was so thoughtful for her to get them for us!  The masks were a really fun addition we will look forward to bringing out every year.  And they're good quality too, since none of them broke.

These coloring posters were a big hit with the girls.  These are the dinosaur scene and moths and butterflies from my favorite print shop.  I especially love their Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas prints.  These coloring posters are so good for a family gathering like this.  Last week I gave out a Halloween one to family and friends from church.  Just a fun coloring activity.

It was strange not having Andrew there this year.  Elliot was the only Englishman there but my family always make get togethers so fun, and next year I'll make less chili. ;)

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